Consultant Gastroenterologist

Dr Sulleman Moreea became a consultant in gastroenterology and hepatology at Bradford Teaching Hospitals in 2004.

In his spare time he has also helped established the first endoscopy units in St Lucia and Mauritius.

He is currently working closely with the Mauritian Department of Health to extend endoscopy services and the training of doctors across the island following a personal request from the Prime Minister.

“I didn’t come to Bradford because there was no other job; I chose to come here because as a student at the University of Leeds and as a junior doctor here I felt really at ease. And it’s the same today; if I need something I turn to people here first because I trust the people that I work with.

“We’re also lucky in Bradford to have a very strong and talented Gastroenterology team who I trust implicitly. When I need any help or a sounding board my colleagues here are always ready to provide it. People recognise the importance of teamwork and partnership and that’s why I like working in Bradford.”

Mr Sulleman Moreea