From February 2025, we will be changing our provider of the sleep support service for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), Adaptive-Servo Ventilation Devices (ASV) and Bilevel Devices. Following a thorough tender process by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the current provider, Baywater Healthcare, will be replaced by Vivisol, an experienced sleep service provider. Going forwards, Vivisol will provide new devices when needed, customer service support and your consumable supply.

We would like to reassure you that this transition will not result in any disruption for you or negatively impact the service you receive and you are not required to do anything outside of your standard routine.

Until the date of your next clinic appointment or letter from Vivisol, you should continue to contact Baywater Healthcare for all your consumable replacements and help with your device.

Over the coming weeks, we will work with Baywater to transfer your information to Vivisol. This transfer of information will be done securely in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It will allow you to continue receiving sleep support and consumable replenishment. You may be contacted by Vivisol with updates of this process.

Below, we have addressed some questions that you may have about this contract change. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing The Bradford Sleep Clinic.

Your questions answered

Vivisol are a very experienced respiratory home care provider. They provide CPAP, NIV, and oxygen care to thousands of patients across the UK and Europe.

You should continue to phone Baywater until you receive further contact from the Bradford team or Vivisol.

You should continue to phone Baywater until you receive further contact from the Bradford team or Vivisol.

No, there is no change to the NHS healthcare professionals who manage your care. The Bradford team who know you well will continue to look after you and see you regularly. This contract change relates to the company that provides your device, any mask or tubing replacements, and first line support if you are struggling with your therapy.

No. The contract for the sleep services has now been awarded to Vivisol. To ensure you continue to receive all your equipment and that your data from your device is sent to the Bradford team all patients need to move to Vivisol.

Any previous data held with Baywater will be securely stored with them if we need access to it. When the move to Vivisol happens, your recent data including your serial number from your device and details like your name, date of birth and address will move to Vivisol from Resmed securely.

This means that you will not need to provide your details again and they can continue sending you things like your mask, tubing and filters without interruption. As with Resmed, Vivisol will work with us to monitor your data remotely and call you annually to ensure everything is okay. If you have any problems, contact Vivisol directly.

Yes, we continue to be the main providers of care for your sleep (CPAP) needs. You can continue to contact us through the email address and telephone numbers previously issued.

From the 3rd of February if you have a device or consumable issue outside of 9am-5pm hours, contact Vivisol’s 24-hour help line for patients. They can deal with any technical emergencies, such as your device not working.

You will receive a letter from Vivisol in the coming weeks. This will explain what will happen next. For many of you, nothing needs to be done. Please keep the contact details Vivisol give you.