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The NHS has begun to roll out a genetic testing programme for Lynch syndrome, an inherited condition that increases the risk of certain cancers, including bowel, ovarian and endometrial (womb).

It is estimated that 1 in 400 people in England have Lynch syndrome, but just 5% are aware they are living with the condition.

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What is Lynch syndrome?

Hear from Karen Westaway, the Lynch syndrome project lead in West Yorkshire. She gives you some of the facts and figures that might help you better understand the condition.

Find out more about the work of the Cancer Alliance in our region.

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance

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Testing for Lynch syndrome

Cancer nurse specialists, explain the testing process and reassure you about the options you have and the time you can take in deciding what’s right for you.

Helpful booklet: Predictive genetic testing for Lynch syndrome (PDF)

Yorkshire regional genetics service logo

Find out more about genetic testing on the Macmillan website.

Macmillan cancer support

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Genetic counselling service

Kathryn explains her role as a genetic counsellor in Yorkshire. The service addresses genetic conditions and their family impacts.

Patients can undergo blood and biopsy tests for Lynch syndrome.

Genetic counsellors provide support post-diagnosis, discussing management options and family implications. They guide patients in preparing for appointments and provide a detailed summary letter afterwards.

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