• Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    As we come to the end of another busy month here at the Trust, we bring you another round-up of stories from throughout August.

    We kicked off the month with a look at our apprenticeship programme. We heard from Faye Alexander, Head of Education, and Humaid Ahmed, Education Administrator, about the benefits of apprenticeships and their role in supporting career development.

    We also learned more about our collaboration with Macmillan Cancer Support this month. We heard how this partnership not only supports the training of our new Macmillan cancer nurses at our own Trust, but also plays a crucial role in providing comprehensive aftercare for patients once they’ve left hospital.

    Ahead of Organ Donation Week in September, we revisited the story of brothers Shakoor Ahmed and Mahroof Farooq. Shakoor shared how he made a live donor kidney donation to his brother and we also heard from Razdy Igasan, our Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation who told us about the need for more donors after death, particularly from the black and minority ethnic community.

    Finally, for the podcast this month, I enjoyed talking to Jennifer Syson, Research Matron and Senior Research Midwife, and Pepper Woods Senior Respiratory Research Sister, who told me about their fantastic roles in encouraging and engendering a culture of research activity here at the Trust.

    Take five to watch the round-up here!