• We stand united against all racism and Islamophobia

    Statement issued on behalf of Bradford District Wellbeing Board, our local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and Bradford Race Equality Network, our strategic lead partner on race equality.

    Over the last week, across the country, we have seen racial and Islamophobic violence, aggression and intimidation that cannot be justified. It is important we do not give oxygen to the misinformation and disinformation that surrounds these events and there is no evidence of any planned protests in Bradford district

    Our city and wider district has a rich history of welcoming people from across the world to make Bradford district their home. We have stood strong in the face of people who want to cause division among communities. We think it is important to restate at this time that we welcome those who wants to be part of a vibrant, diverse and compassionate place.

    In recent weeks we have seen our place play host to Bradford Literature Festival, BD: Festival, South Asian Heritage Month (with a festival planned for later this month), Ilkley Pride, Bradford Pride – with Keighley Pride taking place this coming weekend. All of these events have brought our communities together, showing us that through understanding we can get to know each other and positively celebrate our differences.

    What we have seen over the past week, in other parts of the country, has been a worrying sign of an orchestrated campaign of misinformation and disinformation to create a culture of fear and intimidation. More specifically we have seen incidents that are racist and Islamophobic, these need calling out for what they are. We cannot and should not shy away from using this language to describe the dangerous and despicable actions of a minority driven by extreme views. We should continue to remind ourselves they are a minority, but we must also be vigilant in addressing the underlying systems that allow such views to take root.

    We are saddened to hear that people are now living in fear because a small number of people who have chosen hate as a way to air their concerns and grievances or respond to hateful misinformation being spread on social media. It is important that we listen, reflect and all show strong allyship. We are working closely with West Yorkshire Police and have confidence in our police colleagues that, if something were to  happen at any time, they will protect our communities.

    We have to work together to create safe spaces for dialogue and difficult conversations on legitimate issues and concerns, but we do this with a sense of working on solutions and fostering systemic change, not further divisions. We must continue to stand firm against racism in all its forms, we must continue to call out behaviour that goes against our common human values and we must continue to look out for each other. And we must continue to go about our daily lives, running the best services for our residents, while making sure we take any necessary steps to keep ourselves and others safe.

    We must stand shoulder to shoulder to show that the only people not welcome here are those seeking to divide us.

    Staying safe

    There is no credible intelligence that Bradford district will experience the disorder that we have seen in other parts of the country. We are constantly working with West Yorkshire Police and other agencies to continually monitor the situation.

    We understand that colleagues and people in our communities are feeling anxious at this time, while these actions are being carried out by a small number of minority of people we all share different levels of concern.  We know that many of you will have friends and family across the country and may be planning visits to them or activities over the summer holiday. It is important we continue to go about our daily lives, while remaining vigilant.

    • Please support your neighbours, check in on those that may be vulnerable.

    If you experience, witness or have been involved in a hate crime you can report it through West Yorkshire Police. Reporting makes a difference – to you, your friends, and your life. If you see a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger, please call 999 without hesitation.