• Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Welcome to the latest Mel’s weekly update which focuses on an amazing story from Our Place.

    In the Yorkshire region alone, there’s approximately 3,300 people per year that will suffer an out of hospital, sudden cardiac arrest.

    By performing CPR, we are giving an increase in that chance of survival. This May, we were thrilled to introduce a new CPR kiosk on the main concourse here at Bradford Royal Infirmary. This innovative kiosk offers the public a hands-on opportunity to practise CPR on a life-like manikin.

    We are very proud to be the first Trust in the country to install a kiosk that can encourage everyone to learn this vital skill in CPR.

    Today we will hear from Ben Mckay, Education Manager, and Eve Flockton, Resuscitation Training Lead, about the benefits of these new kiosks for both patients and staff and the crucial importance of learning CPR.