The perfect poo

Check out our infographic film to learn the best toilet position for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

It might feel different at first, but many people find that this position significantly improves their symptoms. Give it a try!

Our library of IBS advice

IBS network logo

IBS Network

Find out more from the national charity supporting people living with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.

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Listen to Specialist NHS Gastroenterology Dietitians giving the most up-to-date and accurate advice on first line dietary treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The following book is also very helpful, please click on the link to view the book:
Take control of your IBS

Get in contact

If you would like any further information or contact us for appointment queries please call….

Switchboard: 01274 542 200
Appointment service: 01274 274 274

Bradford Royal Infirmary
Duckworth Lane