• Lisa’s fundraising challenge for hospital’s neonatal appeal

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals colleagues consistently prove that they are willing to go the extra mile to support the Trust’s very own Bradford Hospitals Charity – and Effectiveness and Quality and Patient Safety Manager, Lisa Jamieson is no exception.

    Lisa has organised a fund-raising challenge and a half in aid of the Charity’s ‘Big Neonatal Appeal’, which will see the neonatal unit at Bradford Royal Infirmary transformed into a ‘home-from-home’ space for babies born too early or sick, and their families.

    She has set herself a staggering 18 stamina-testing challenges with a target of raising £1,800 for the appeal which includes additional en-suite rooms to enable families to stay closer to their babies, refurbished living spaces and kitchen, a tranquil garden and indoor play area for siblings.

    The figure ‘18’ is particularly poignant as this mammoth feat is in memory of daughter, Lucy, who would have turned 18 this year.

    Baby Lucy

    Lisa said:

    We sadly lost our first daughter, Lucy, on the day she was born on 6 Feb 2006. After a very healthy pregnancy I went into labour on my due date but tragically complications during delivery meant that Lucy was born very unwell, and she died at six hours old.

    Sadly, this is not as unusual as you may think. Despite reductions in recent years there are still around 13 babies a day in the UK who die shortly before, during or soon after birth. This year Lucy should have turned 18.

    When she would have turned 10, I set myself the challenge of running 10 half marathons in 10 months for the stillbirth and neonatal death charity Sands. This time I have set myself an even bigger challenge – well several!

    Lisa’s latest test of strength – #18in12for50 – will see her completing the 18 challenges in 12 months (from March 2024 to March 2025) leading up to her 50th birthday.

    I want to remember Lucy at 18 and to have some fun in the final year of my 40s because who wants to grow old quietly?

    she said.

    The challenges consist of running, swimming, cycling, walking, plus multi-sport events such as triathlons,

    added Lisa, who regularly runs with the Pudsey Pacers running club and is a run leader for Pudsey and Bramley Juniors athletics club.

    Her first event is the ‘It’s Grim Up North’ 20 mile run in just a few weeks’ time on 16 March and her final race will hopefully be the Barcelona Marathon in March 2025, which is likely to be two days before her 50th birthday.

    Lisa added that she had chosen to support the Charity’s neonatal appeal for two very special reasons.

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals is my employer, but more importantly it’s the place where my two wonderful children Emelia and Lucas were delivered safely 16 and 14 years ago respectively.

    Luckily, we didn’t require the services of the neonatal unit, but we did receive excellent, compassionate care. Pregnancy and birth after a loss is particularly difficult and the maternity team at Bradford was outstanding. This is my way of saying thank you.

    I have a full schedule of fun, and some would say slightly crazy, events planned but my family and friends are all behind me all the way and even joining in the challenges. In fact, I don’t think there’s a single challenge where I won’t have company!

    She added that she would also like to dedicate some of the challenges to the children of friends she’s met over the years who have died prematurely, and has urged anyone who would like her to do this, to get in touch.

    The Charity’s Head of Fundraising, Lisa Williams said:

    Thank you, Lisa, for your dedication to each of your 18 challenges and for your support of Bradford Hospitals Charity; what a wonderful thing to do in Lucy’s memory and to celebrate her 18th Birthday.

    We wish you all the very best in your challenges and fundraising to support the Big Neonatal Appeal.  We are cheering you on all the way!

    Lisa can be sponsored via her JustGiving page: Lisa Jamieson is fundraising for Bradford Hospitals Charity (justgiving.com)

    You can also read more about Bradford Hospitals Charity’s neonatal appeal here: https://bradfordhospitalscharity.org/neonatal-appeal