• The team from DrDoctor visit the Trust

    The DrDoctor team recently visited the new Digital and Virtual Services Information Hub.

    DrDoctor poster

    The visit gave us all an opportunity to find out how services at BTHFT are using DrDoctor to:

    • carry out waiting list validation
    • collect patient data using digital assessments
    • drive down DNA rates with notifications
    • activate patients to cancel and rebook their own appointments
    • send patients digital letters

    For those of us who had questions about how DrDoctor works or wanted to know if it could do something new for our team, then this was a great chance to see live demonstrations and find out how we could get most out of DrDoctor.

    For great one to one advice, staff were also invited to book a 1-hour ‘drop-in clinic’.

    A great day for everyone who wanted to learn more about how this digital platform can help us in our day to day work to provide outstanding healthcare.

    If you want to find out more about Dr Doctor e-mail the team at virtualroyalinfirmaryprogramme@bthft.nhs.uk.