• Hospitals prepare for Christmas with tree lights switch-on and week of celebrations

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals is all aglow with the festive spirit after officially turning on the lights on their Christmas trees.

    The Christmas trees stand in the Zen Garden on the main concourse at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) in Duckworth Lane and the Horton Wing at St Luke’s Hospital. Both hospitals are part of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

    The switch-ons took place on Monday, 5 December; at 5pm at BRI and 12.30pm at St Luke’s – accompanied by staff, patients and volunteers at both ceremonies. Music was provided by volunteers from St Luke’s Sound Radio Station.

    At St. Luke’s, Lord Mayor, Councillor Martin Love, performed the honours alongside Trust Chairman Dr Maxwell Mclean and his daughter, Frances. While at the BRI, mortuary assistant and Brilliant Bradford Staff Award winner, Aidan England, and his children, Maisie and Stanley, switched on the festive lights with Chief Executive Professor Mel Pickup. There was also music provided by Radio Royal, carol singing and the blessing of the nativity crib on the hospital’s main concourse.

    The Trust’s week of celebrations continues until Friday, 9 December, when it will conclude with Bradford Hospitals’ Charity’s Sparkle for Axl where hospital workers are asked to wear something sparkly and raise money for toys and games for children on the wards throughout the year. There’ll also be a sparkly bake sale on the main BRI retail concourse on the day.

    Chairman Max Mclean and his daughter Frances with Lord Mayor Councillor Martin Love who switched on the St Luke's Christmas tree lights

    Chairman Max Mclean and his daughter Frances at the St Luke's Hospital Christmas tree lights switch-on