• Bag a booster this Black Friday weekend

    The NHS in Bradford & Craven is going all out this weekend to help people bag a booster alongside their Black Friday bargains.

    Extra walk-in appointments will be available at vaccination centres across the district from Friday to Sunday. There will also be a range of pop-up clinics in local communities to make it as easy as possible for people to get the vital top-up jab ahead of winter.

    This includes a pop-up at Airedale Shopping Centre in Keighley on Saturday so that busy shoppers can get protected in between bargain hunting. There will also be walk-in sites at Silsden Medical Practice on Friday, Oxenhope Pharmacy on Friday/Saturday and Medichem Pharmacy in Bradford on Saturday/Sunday. Full details of all clinic walk-ins are available on the national site finder at www.nhs.uk/grab-a-jab.

    The protection from vaccines reduces over time so the booster is being offered to those at greatest risk from COVID-19 to increase their protection during the winter months when viruses spread most easily. This includes everyone aged 50 and over and those with conditions that put them at greater risk from COVID-19, such as people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.

    Karen Dawber, chief nursing officer at Bradford Teaching Hospitals Trust and senior responsible officer for Bradford and Craven’s vaccination programme, said:

    The Bag a booster weekend is about making it as easy as possible for people to get their booster to top up their protection this winter.

    It’s easy to forget the devastating consequences of COVID-19 now that we’re back to a normal way of life but the virus is still with us and we need to do all we can to prevent another surge this winter and keep people protected.

    If you are eligible, please visit one of our clinics this weekend to bag your booster and help protect you and others this winter. Vaccination centres are also offering first and second vaccines so it’s never too late to get whichever dose you need.