Virtual services have a number of advantages because they allow patients to be cared for at home, in familiar surroundings. This means that patients recover more quickly and it also frees-up hospital beds for people with more serious illnesses.

In Elderly Care, we started using our Elderly Virtual Ward back in 2012.

Our Elderly Virtual Ward team are an experienced multidisciplinary team specialising in frailty.

We deliver face to face care in a patient’s own home. This expertise enables patients to be discharged home quickly once reviewed on the elderly assessment ward, this is known as discharged to assess, meaning that medical, nursing and therapy programmes can start at home within 2 hours of discharge.

Virtual Ward at home

Virtual Ward at Home

Virtual Ward at home

Virtual Ward

Home is the most appropriate place for an older person to recover, free from harm that can present at the hospital – such as falls and infection. Being in their own environment helps patients recover their mobility and function much more quickly and home environments are more comforting and support a quicker recovery when patients have a delirium or dementia.

This multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach also enables us to support admission avoidance. Patients are assessed in community by primary care staff, via 111, via Ambulance crews or in A+E. Once referred a patient is reviewed at home within 2 hours. A plan of care may include a medical plan, the prescribing of medication, point of contact blood testing, enablement and a therapy plan.

Home first is always the motto.

Other examples of virtual care