Welcome to the information site for all staff involved in supporting children and young people with diabetes in nurseries, schools and other education and extra-curricular settings.

You are invited to watch the series of short videos that cover different aspects of managing diabetes. Once you have watched the complete series, please complete the diabetes knowledge assessment. You may wish to access these videos for reference throughout the academic year. Please note that they can be viewed with or without subtitles.

The children’s diabetes team is grateful to Bradford Hospitals Charity for funding the videos.

Meet the team

What is diabetes?

Food and diabetes

Carbohydrate counting

Blood glucose testing

Glucose monitoring

Bolus advisor

Insulin injections

Insulin pump therapy

Hyperglycaemia & ketone development


Physical activity

Care plan

Residential trips

How to complete the diabetes knowledge assessment

Thank you for taking the time to watch our diabetes training videos for school staff.

In order for you to receive a CPD certificate for your school record, please email slh.diabetesteam@bthft.nhs.uk  to request a link to the diabetes knowledge assessment. (Don’t forget to include your name, contact details and nursery/school information.)  You will then receive an email from our team with a link to Google forms. Please follow this link to answer 30 short questions based on the content from each of the training videos you have watched. The pass rate is 90% (27 correct answers).

Once you have passed the knowledge assessment, please email the team at slh.diabetesteam@bthft.nhs.uk and include the email address you have registered with google form. We will then log your successful completion of the training and email you a CPD certificate.