• Bradford Teaching Hospitals Changes Its Visiting Rules

    From today, 1 April, Bradford Teaching Hospitals has changed its visiting rules, but is still doing everything possible to keep its patients and visitors safe.

    The Trust has reviewed its visiting rules in light of the latest national Living with COVID-19 guidance, and the following restrictions are now in place.

    Visitors are no longer required to take a lateral flow test but should not attend if they have any COVID symptoms, are isolating or are feeling unwell, for example with diarrhoea or vomiting.

    To help keep our patients and staff safe, people must wear a face mask at all times inside our hospitals.

    We also recommend washing hands or using hand gel frequently and maintaining social distancing where possible.

    Visiting for inpatients in our hospitals is now allowed on all Green and Red wards as follows:

    • All patients can have one visit each day of up to an hour from one person.
    • We recommend visits are between 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm.
    • Visits should be booked direct with the ward.
    • Visitors to wards must wear appropriate PPE for that ward – this will be provided.

    Visiting Ultra Green wards

    • Patients in over 72 hours can have one visitor for one hour a day.

    Children’s wards

    • Both parents are allowed to visit or be on the ward at the same time.
    • Siblings will not routinely be allowed on the wards until the patient has been in over 72 hours.


    • Outpatients can now have an accompanying adult with them if they wish to.

    Maternity visiting

    • Labour ward and Birth Centre: a birth partner can stay for the duration of labour. This person is not interchangeable.
    • Wards M3 and M4: one person can visit between 10am and 7pm. This person is not interchangeable.

    Prenatal scans

    • Women are allowed to have one adult with them at all scans. This person should be the birthing partner or from the same household.

    Neonatal Unit

    • Grandparents are now allowed to visit – you can call the unit and pre-book a visit.

    Visiting A&E

    • Patients can have one other person with them for support. In times of extreme pressure on the department, visitors may be asked to wait in other areas.

    There are also changes for visiting in exceptional circumstances; full information is available on www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk

    The Trust has put in place a number of resources to support family members/visitors unable to visit patients.

    • Our Relatives’ Line takes calls for some of our wards. Call 01274 272747 from 9.30am to 5.30pm, seven days a week.
    • Thinking of you is a dedicated email address for loved ones to send letters via email to our patients: ThinkingOfYou@bthft.nhs.uk
    • Many wards have video calling in place and may be able to assist with video calls when there is no visiting.
    • We have a dedicated patient property team who can accept and take belongings to inpatients from 7.30am to 6.30pm. Please do not bring in too much and hot, fresh or perishable foodstuffs are not permitted.