• Trust launches new programme to promote acts of kindness

    THE Chief Nurse’s team at Bradford Teaching Hospitals has launched a new campaign to promote kindness throughout the Trust.

    ‘Embedding Kindness’ builds on our patient experience strategy, and asks Trust staff to think about how they can promote small acts of kindness between staff and patients and reflect on their personal role in creating a positive environment.

    All Bradford Teaching Hospitals staff are now being encouraged to complete a short kindness programme. Look out for staff wearing the kindness badge below after completing their training.

    During 2021, the Trust’s Patient Experience team will be rolling out more of the #embeddingkindness programme. Let’s keep #embeddingkindness  in the spotlight!

    Staff, patients, and visitors are all encouraged to share examples of kindness and nominate anyone they feel deserves special recognition. Email: embedding.kindness@bthft.nhs.uk for further information.

    Embedding Kindness staff badges
    Embedding Kindness staff badges