What we do

Across Bradford, we are introducing different models of care during pregnancy, called ‘Continuity of Carer’ teams.

Evidence from a number of studies has shown that having care delivered by the same small team of midwives during pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born is better for you and your baby, as richer relationships are formed. We currently have seven Continuity of Carer teams in Bradford. They are:

  • Clover Team
  • The Homebirth Team
  • Acorn Team
  • Willow Team
  • Amber Team
  • Multiples Team
  • Teens Pathway

Contact us

  • Willow: (01274) 383595
  • Acorn: (01274) 365080
  • Amber: (01274) 322849
  • Clover: (01274) 365714
  • Homebirth: (01274) 365716

You may be offered to have your care delivered in this way. Some of the teams are based on postcode area or GP and some are offered because of particular circumstances or condition. We are continually developing new Continuity of Carer pathways and plan for the majority of women to be cared for in this way by 2022.


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maternity feedback quote