• Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination scam – be extra vigilant

    WE UNDERSTAND that cruel scammers are trying to take advantage of people’s fears about the pandemic and so we are asking local people to be extra vigilant.

    A fake NHS text message has been circulating, telling people they are eligible to apply for the COVID-19 vaccine.

    The message link takes people through to a fake NHS website which asks for your personal details, along with your credit or debit card details.

    This is a scam and you should delete the message.


    When it is your turn to have a coronavirus vaccine, the NHS will ask you to attend an appointment. This could be at a nearby GP practice, a community pharmacy or at a community vaccination site.

    We will contact you either by a phone call, letter or text message. The NHS will never ask for payment for the vaccine or your bank details.

    Genuine messages from the NHS are usually sent from ‘NHSNoReply’. If you get a suspicious text message about vaccinations from an unknown number, please delete it.

    For more information about COVID scams, click here.
