• Visiting BRI for a COVID-19 vaccination and information on the vaccine

    Visiting BRI for a COVID-19 vaccination

    • If you are visiting Bradford Royal Infirmary for a Covid-19 vaccination, please enter the hospital site via Gate 5 on Smith Lane (Maternity Unit entrance). The postcode is BD9 5HP. 
    • Free, cordoned-off parking for people attending BRI for a vaccination is available on your immediate right, within the Maternity Unit’s car park
    • Covid-19 vaccinations at BRI are taking place in the Sovereign Lecture Theatre, which is a short walk away from the car park. Please follow the signposts and look out for our marshals who will be wearing high-vis yellow jackets. They will direct you to the vaccination hub and will be happy to answer any questions. Please enter ‘Sovereign Lecture Theatre’ in the map search box below for its exact location
    • An accessible entrance to the lecture theatre and lifts are available for those that need them
    • Please remember to wear a face covering, wash your hands and follow social distancing guidelines when visiting the hospital site

    The COVID-19 vaccine

    The NHS is now offering vaccinations to people who are most at risk from Covid-19. This follows the approval of both the Pfizer BioNTech and Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines as safe and effective after extensive trials.

    The first vaccinations are being offered to people in the priority groups identified by the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), starting with people in care homes and those aged 80 and over.

    Groups of GP practices are working together to provide vaccines from local centres and in care homes and will contact eligible patients when it is their turn. Vaccines for frontline health and care workers will also be offered at hospital ‘hubs’ to staff who are at the greatest risk of catching Covid-19.

    We know lots of people will be eager to get protected but you will be invited for a vaccine when it’s your turn so please do not contact your practice or the NHS for an appointment. The NHS is working hard to make sure those at greatest risk are offered the vaccine first and people will not be able to make an appointment until they have received their invitation.

    As more supplies of the vaccines become available, we will be able to offer vaccinations to more people and at other locations. These will include local vaccination services provided by GPs and pharmacists, in people’s homes if they can’t come to us and new dedicated vaccination centres to make sure that everyone who needs a vaccine is able to get one.

    Please note that vaccinations are free of charge and only available through the NHS. Anyone who claims to be able to provide you with a vaccine for a fee is likely to be committing a crime and should be reported to the Police online or by calling 112.  The NHS will never ask you to press a button on your keypad or send a text asking you to confirm you want the vaccine.

    This will be the largest vaccination programme in the history of the NHS and you can really help us to deliver it to those that need it most by doing the following:

    • Please don’t contact the NHS to seek a vaccine – we will contact you when it’s the right time.
    • When we do contact you, please act immediately and make sure you attend your appointments.
    • Please continue to follow all the guidelines – hand hygiene and social distancing in particular – to control the virus and save lives.

    For more information about the vaccine, please see these frequently asked questions.

    You can also visit www.nhs.uk or download the patient information leaflets below, which are also available on the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership website.

    For the full list of COVID-19 vaccination programme documents, visit the Public Health England website. For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine, visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-vaccine/