• Children draw poppies to help hospitals mark Remembrance Day

    VISITORS to Bradford Royal Infirmary and St Luke’s Hospital may have noticed that both sites are blooming with beautiful poppies.

    These lovely displays of artwork have been organised for Remembrance Day 2020, to illustrate that, even during the midst of a global pandemic, we will never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure and protect our freedom.

    We appealed to budding young artists to design and draw their own poppies for both displays, and they have certainly risen to the challenge colouring in both poppies and bunting, which make a stunning impact on the main atrium at BRI as well as the Horton Wing corridor at St Luke’s.

    Young patients on our paediatric wards and children of staff contributed their artistic talents to build up the display.

    Special thanks must go to Head of Corporate Affairs, Helen Sutcliffe, who organised the Remembrance Day tribute.

    Phenomenal response

    She said: “There has been a phenomenal response for our call for budding artists to commemorate Remembrance Day 2020.  I would like to thank all those who have taken the time to colour in the poppies and bunting. It has certainly created an impactful display.”

    Willow Joy

    Unfortunately we have not been allowed to sell poppies in our hospitals this year, but staff have contributed to the national Poppy Appeal by buying wooden crosses from the Royal British Legion, which also form part of the displays.

    Thank you once again to our fantastic estates and facilities teams, who always pull out all the stops when it comes to flood-lighting our buildings to mark various awareness days and anniversaries.

    The main entrance to BRI will also be bathed in red light this week to commemorate Remembrance Day 2020.

    Poppy artwork at BRI