• Please don’t come to Accident and Emergency for a coronavirus test

    THE NHS in Bradford district is urging people to call 119, or book online for a coronavirus test, if they have symptoms of the virus.

    In recent days, some people have gone to local A&E departments and GP practices asking to be tested for coronavirus. However, A&E departments and GP practices do not test people for coronavirus.

    People can book an appointment at a number of testing centres across Bradford district and Craven, using the online booking system at nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119.

    Symptoms of coronavirus include: a new persistent cough, a high fever or loss of smell or taste.

    Kayleigh Lawton, an A&E Sister at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are seeing an increasing number of people, especially young people and parents with children, coming to A&E at Bradford Royal Infirmary asking for a coronavirus test. Our staff are having to spend time explaining that we only test patients who are admitted to our hospitals, everyone else must book a test by using the NHS online booking system at nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119.

    Urgent and emergency

    “A&E is always busy and staff have urgent and emergency cases to deal with 24 hours a day, so we’d ask people, please don’t come to A&E for a test – we cannot help with that.”

    Dr James Thomas, GP and clinical chair, NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “GP practices do not test people for coronavirus. If you do have symptoms, do not come to your GP practice in person, you will be putting others at risk, please stay at home. If your symptoms get worse, you can contact NHS 111 online – 111.nhs.uk – or call 111 if you do not have access to the internet.

    “We realise that this might be a frustrating time for people who have symptoms and are trying to do the right thing, which is to get tested, and help stop the spread of coronavirus.

    “There is high demand for tests, so we’re asking people to only book a test if you have symptoms. By doing this, we can help make sure that testing is available for the people who need it the most. If you are unsure, visit the NHS website, www.nhs.uk or use NHS 111 online – 111.nhs.uk to check your symptoms before you book.

    “I would also like to say thank you to people across Bradford district and Craven who are continuing to do all they can to help stop the spread of coronavirus.”

    If you have any coronavirus symptoms you must self-isolate immediately by staying at home for 10 days, you don’t need to wait for a test result before doing so.

    Dr Thomas added: “To stop the spread of the virus remember to wash your hands regularly, use a face covering when social distancing is not possible and try to keep your distance from people you don’t live with.”


    How to book a coronavirus test

    People can book a coronavirus test by going online to the NHS website – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/get-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/ – or by calling 119

    You must have an appointment booked before visiting a testing centre.

    Bradford and district

    People can find information about the location of testing centres, and how to book a test on the Bradford Council website – https://www.bradford.gov.uk/health/health-advice-and-support/coronavirus-testing-in-bradford-district/


    People can find information about the location of testing centres, and how to book a test on the North Yorkshire County Council website – https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/book-coronavirus-covid-19-test