• Coronavirus: A hands-on approach to keeping our patients safe

    WE WOULD like to remind patients and visitors about the importance of washing their hands in a bid to help healthcare staff prevent and slow the spread of coronavirus.

    Regular and thorough hand washing helps to protect you and others and keep you safe.

    You should wash your hands for 20 seconds, using soap and water. Make sure you are washing your hands effectively by watching this video.

    When visiting our hospitals, you should also use alcohol hand rub/gel when entering and leaving wards.

    We would also like to remind visitors that anyone suffering from any flu-like symptoms or with an illness such as vomiting or diarrhoea should stay away from the hospitals.

    We have very good infection prevention and control measures within our hospitals but it’s important that we take every opportunity to reduce any potential risk to patients and staff – and that’s why we are asking you to do your part.

    If you have a cough, or fever, or shortness of breath and have been to any of these places in the last 14 days, stay inside and call NHS 111: 

    • China
    • Republic of Korea
    • Singapore
    • Thailand
    • Hong Kong
    • Malaysia
    • Japan
    • Taiwan
    • Macau
    • Italy
    • Vietnam
    • Cambodia
    • Laos
    • Myanmar

    If you have been to Wuhan or Hubei Province, China in the last 14 days, stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if you do not have symptoms.

    Visit nhs.uk for more information.

    You can find the latest information and advice from Public Health England at www.gov.uk/coronavirus