• Sovereign Health Care donates £8,000 to Bradford Teaching Hospitals

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is set to receive a chunk of funding donated by Sovereign Health Care.

    The West Yorkshire-based cash plan provider has announced a donation of £56,000 to seven Yorkshire-based NHS Trusts as part of its annual commitment to supporting NHS services in the region.

    The donation will be used to help fund training and nurse development in each of the trusts, supporting the NHS in its bid to attract and develop nursing staff at all levels.

    Sovereign has supported the NHS for many years through its Community Programme, donating more than £1.7 million in the last 12 years, and a total of £361,000 to the NHS in Yorkshire in 2019 alone.

    Each trust, including Bradford Teaching Hospitals, will receive £8,000. The other beneficiaries are: Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust; Airedale NHS Foundation Trust; Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust; Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust; Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust; and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

    Sovereign has a longstanding history of supporting charities, groups and organisations that work to improve the health and wellbeing of those living in West Yorkshire, including the NHS.

    Actively donate

    As a not-for-profit company, it’s able to actively donate between five and 10 per cent of its annual turnover through its Community Programme.

    Alongside the annual grants and other donations, Sovereign Health Care also supports the NHS through its commercial business. Its healthcare cash plans help reduce pressure on the NHS by encouraging policyholders to be more proactive about managing their health, making accessing treatment more affordable.

    Russ Piper, Chief Executive of Sovereign Health Care, said: “We have a long history of working with the NHS and we’re extremely proud to have the opportunity to provide funds to these seven trusts for another year.

    “Our annual donations to the NHS are primarily focused on providing important training for nurses and supporting the facilities they work in.

    “2020 is the International Year of The Nurse and Midwife, putting the spotlight on the essential care they provide, and so it is particularly apt that we continue to support the trusts to invest in further education and support.”

    Sovereign Health Care was established 147 years ago and is one of the UK’s longest established providers of healthcare cash plans to individuals and businesses, with approximately 75,000 customers across the UK.