• Maternity Services throw open their doors for festive get-together

    BRADFORD Hospitals’ Maternity Services are throwing open their doors at Bradford Royal Infirmary for a festive get-together on Saturday (14 Dec) – and everyone’s welcome!

    From 10am to 2pm, staff from Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will showcase what Bradford has to offer women and families thanks to its brilliant maternity services.

    There’s plenty going on for expectant mums and other visitors – from mini tours of the Birth Centre and labour ward to active birth and taster hypno-birthing sessions.

    And there’s a fantastic line-up of stalls focusing on the Born in Bradford research project, Bradford doulas, feeding and nurturing your baby, baby wearing (sling library), and Bradford Libraries (promoting the importance of reading to your baby).

    Great opportunity

    Specialist Midwife Becky Palethorpe said: “This is a great opportunity for mums-to-be and their families to come and have a look around Bradford’s Maternity Services and find out more about what’s available and how we help women give their babies the best start in life.

    “Fun things for children are happening too – there’ll be a chocolate tombola, name the teddy raffle and a children’s colouring area. We’re opting for a rainbow theme which visitors will be able to add to on the day. We have tags and coloured ribbons that visitors will be able to write a message to their baby on and tie on our Christmas tree.”

    Free refreshments will be on offer too and a sing-along to carols will end the event. There’s no need to book, just come along to the Women’s and Newborn Unit on Smith Lane, Bradford.

    See you there!


    For further media information, please contact communications@bthft.nhs.uk or call 01274 383901