Name: Hafsah Hussain
Job title: Orthoptist
Age: 24
Qualifications: Degree in Orthoptics
Why did you decide to become an AHP? I wanted to do something in my career that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference to people’s daily lives. In the Orthoptic profession you deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine.
How did you train for your role? I studied at the University of Sheffield for three years. During this time I attended lectures and seminars. Throughout the year I also took part in clinical placements, which saw me attend many different orthoptic departments around the UK.
Length of time in role: Two years
Length of time at BTHFT: Two years
What do you do? As an orthoptist my role is to investigate and manage disorders of binocular vision and defects of eye movements.