• Trust chiefs urge people to ‘think carefully before attending busy A&E’

    DOCTORS at Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI) and Airedale Hospital are urging people to think carefully before attending  A&E after an “exceptionally busy week”.

    The emergency departments at both hospitals warned admissions to inpatient wards are higher than usual.

    Sandra Shannon, Chief Operating Officer at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs BRI, said they were experiencing high levels of demand.

    She said: “We’re asking all patients to think carefully before coming to A&E.  Members of the public can really help by making sure that if they do choose to come to A&E for treatment, that it is the best place for them to go to get the right care, as soon as possible.”

    Rob Aitchison, Chief Operating Officer at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We have had an exceptionally busy week, and are continuing to experience significant pressure.

    “We apologise to people who have attended our emergency department and have had to wait longer than we would have liked due to the number of people seeking help over the last week.”

    When should I go to A&E?

    Emergency departments deal with serious accidents and emergencies only. This could include severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, significant head injuries and broken bones.

    What is the 111 number for?

    The 24/7 NHS 111 service is an alternative to A&E when people aren’t seriously ill. Call the line for immediate advice if you aren’t sure who to turn to. Highly-trained advisors will signpost you to the right care, which could involve seeing your GP or visiting your community pharmacist.

    This may mean people end up waiting less time to receive care.

    For urgent medical advice and signposting visit nhs.uk/111 (for people aged 5 and over only) or call NHS 111 (dial 111).

    How can my GP help?

    All GP practices in Bradford district and Craven offer appointments with GPs and other health professionals, such as nurses, health care assistants, pharmacists and physiotherapists in the evenings and at weekends.

    What can a pharmacist deal with?

    Pharmacists can help with common illnesses without an appointment with many opening into the evening and at weekends.

    Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns.

    For more information or to find your local pharmacy visit the NHS website.

    My child is ill, what should I do?

    A free guide to common childhood illnesses is available to download on the NHS Bradford District CCG site.

    People can bookmark the page on their smartphone to access it easily on the move.

    What is on the NHS website?

    For patients wanting to find information online, the nhs.uk website is available 24/7 and offers expert advice on a range of illnesses, as well as details of local health services.