• Save lives by signing up to become a Bradford blood donor at BRI

    Ever thought about becoming a blood donor in Bradford? Now’s the perfect time!

    NHS Blood and Transplant will be visiting Bradford Royal Infirmary next Friday (February 15) to register new blood donors.

    More than 200,000 new donors are needed to give blood every year across England, to replace those who can no longer donate regularly due to things like ill health, foreign travel or pregnancy.

    There are currently almost 31,000 active blood donors in West Yorkshire – and 4,405 of these currently give blood at Bradford donor centre.

    But new figures released recently revealed more than twice as many women as men in West Yorkshire became blood donors in 2018.

    Mike Stredder, from NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “It’s vital that more men start donating blood because their blood is used to provide life-saving products like plasma and platelets – to save victims of burns, car crashes and treat to patients with cancer.

    “We’re incredibly grateful to all our female donors in Bradford who are vital in providing lifesaving blood to those in need.

    Different characteristics

    “But we need men to catch up with recent recruitment because their blood can have different characteristics which can make it important in certain situations.”

    Paige Hendrickson, 24, from Bradford, has sickle cell anaemia and first-hand experience of the importance of blood donations.

    Paige’s condition means her immune system has been weakened and she frequently needs to spend time in hospital, as pneumonia has left her with just 75 per cent function in her lungs.

    But, thanks to regular blood transfusions, Paige is able to run her own cake-making and decorating business and live a normal life.

    She said: “I have been having a blood exchange transfusion every three months for the past two years. They give me a new lease of life and without the transfusions I would not be able to live my life the way I do.

    “I would like to thank every donor that has given their time and blood to enable me and many others like me to lead a normal life.”

    Please come along to BRI between 10.30am and 2.30pm on Friday to register with the blood service and save lives!

    Alternatively, call 0300 123 23 23, use the GiveBlood app, or visit www.blood.co.uk.