Team of the Month - May 2018

Our latest Team of the Month award recognises the outstanding but often hidden care and compassion that the Mortuary team deliver day in, day out.

A sad but inevitable part of a hospital trust’s responsibilities is caring for the deceased and their grieving relatives, and the nature of their work means that mortuary staff receive little recognition, so we’re absolutely delighted that this team has received this award for their excellent skills and sensitivity.

The Mortuary team is probably one of the smallest teams we have – just Martin Walker, Mortuary Manager, and Justine Denbigh, Assistant Mortuary Technician; but they deliver an extremely important service to our Trust and bereaved families.

Tanya Claridge, Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs, who nominated the team for their “outstanding work”, said: “From the tiniest pre-term infant to the most elderly patients who sadly die while in our care, the Mortuary team treat them all with the utmost respect: it’s a truly humbling experience to see the care and compassion they provide.”

Chairman, Bill McCarthy, and Chief Executive, Professor Clive Kay, presented Martin with the team’s award, which recognises the pride they have in their work and their commitment to the care and dignity of the deceased.

Time and time again, they go beyond the call of duty to support families, particularly those who have lost children and babies.

Martin said: “This was a complete surprise but so nice to be recognised for what we do. I really do enjoy my job, and I’m pleased to have been able to help raise awareness of the mortuary’s service within the Trust – both to staff and students, through ‘walk and talks’.”

(L-R) Professor Clive Kay, Adele Hartley-Spencer, Martin Walker, Professor Bill McCarthy, Jen Green.
(L-R) Professor Clive Kay, Adele Hartley-Spencer, Martin Walker, Professor Bill McCarthy, Jen Green.

Jen Green, Directorate Manager for Diagnostics, and Adele Hartley-Spencer, Assistant Divisional General Manager for the Directorate of Diagnostics, Anaesthesia and Surgery, said the care Martin and Justine deliver exemplifies the values of the directorate and the Trust as a whole.

“The team recognises fully that they are part of an extended team in the directorate and an integral part of the Trust. The whole pathway is fantastic and they really do work as one,” added Adele.

Employee of the Month - May 2018

Caroline Hornsby receives her Employee of the Month award from Director of HR, Pat Campbell
Caroline Hornsby receives her Employee of the Month award from Director of HR, Pat Campbell

The judges picked Caroline Hornsby, Knowledge and Library Assistant, as May’s Employee of the Month in recognition of the help and assistance she gives to customers – our staff, who use the library services every day.

Caroline has really made her mark with the Library team since joining the Trust only last year, and was nominated by Abbas Bismillah, Knowledge, Library and Information Services Manager.

He said: “Caroline is the first port of call that customers will come to for help and assistance. She’s always polite, meticulous, respects everyone, goes that extra mile, is a team player and has great integrity.

“I have received many comments from our customers that show how grateful they are for the assistance they’ve been given.”

As well as supplying articles, helping with computer/photocopier problems, issuing books and more, Caroline also helps train people on how to use social media.

Caroline received her certificate from our Director of HR, Pat Campbell, who made a surprise visit to the library where Caroline was busy working.

When she had recovered speech, she said: “I am absolutely shocked but I am really pleased. I really enjoy supporting people with their research and helping them to find information. I think my mum will be really proud. I’m going to give her a ring!”

Well done, Caroline!