Team of the Month - March 2018

Remember the Beast from the East? Who can forget the icy blast that brought snow and chaos to our lives earlier this year…

Staff throughout the Trust responded amazingly, with some sleeping over to ensure patients were cared for and services continued, colleagues piloting their own four-wheel-drive vehicles helping to pick staff up from their homes, and everyone going the extra mile to keep the Trust open for business.

But from far too many examples to mention, one team was singled out for its dedication to keeping our hospitals accessible and safe – our Estates’ Gardening team.

Worked valiantly

The team worked valiantly to ensure our roads and pathways remained clear of snow and ice for staff, patients, emergency service vehicles and visitors, and were named March 2018’s Team of the Month for their efforts.

Some days team members arrived at work as early as 4.30am, well ahead of their scheduled start time, to make a start on clearing and gritting, and it was common to see them working until late in the evening.

Phil Wright, from the Older People, Community and Intermediate Care Team, said he had been “amazed” by the job the Estates’ Gardening team had done in clearing snow from the site. “They deserve recognition and thanks for their mammoth effort to keep staff and patients safe,” he said.

Deputy chief executive and director of strategy and integration, John Holden, presents the Estates' Gardening team with their award.
Deputy chief executive and director of strategy and integration, John Holden, presents the Estates' Gardening team with their award.

The Palliative Care team added: “Their dedication ensured access to all the Trust’s buildings and car parks in very difficult working conditions, and they always appeared cheerful and professional.”

The team were presented with their award by executive director, John Holden, who praised them for their hard work. John was accompanied by director of estates and facilities, Paul Featherstone, and his deputy, Steve Blenkinsop.

Employee of the Month - March 2018

Intensive Care Unit staff nurse Lisa Smith (right) receives her award from Jenny Hughes, specialist nurse for organ donation
Intensive Care Unit staff nurse Lisa Smith (right) receives her award from Jenny Hughes, specialist nurse for organ donation

Our latest Employee of the Month, ICU Staff Nurse Lisa Smith, is once again a credit to her department and the Trust as a whole.

Lisa’s nomination for March’s award – which stood out from over 20 potential winners – reveals another side of the truly life-saving work that we in the NHS are part of: our important partnership with the organ donation team.

Jenny Hughes, Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation, nominated Lisa for the key role she played in providing important information to help make sure an organ donation could take place successfully.

“Lisa went above and beyond to ensure that time-critical information about a former patient was available to the Organ Donation Team,” Jenny said. “When contacted by the team she sought cover for her own patient, ensuring their safety, and gave her expertise in information gathering.

“Without this information three people would not have received a lifesaving transplant that day. The family of the patient was extremely determined to support their loved one’s wish in becoming an organ donor and I am convinced that without the information Lisa obtained, their wish would not have been carried out.”

Gez Barrett, ICU Matron, said she was very proud of Lisa, whose actions typified the commitment of the whole team.

For herself, Lisa was lost for words when her whole team gathered around for the surprise presentation by Pat Campbell, Director of HR. “I just did my job,” she said, “but I’m very pleased that I helped make a difference.”

This story shows how our everyday actions in the Trust can have positive effects not just on the patient, but their families and friends, and in this remarkable case, three other people who received the ultimate gift of life.

Well done, Lisa, for being part of this sad but also uplifting story.