• 18TH JANUARY 2023
    Bradford hospital on the international map thanks to multi-speciality robotic surgery programme

    Bradford hospital on the international map thanks to multi-speciality robotic surgery programme

    Bradford hospital surgeons are set to be placed firmly on the map internationally as they forge ahead with an enhanced programme of innovative multi-speciality robotic-assisted procedures. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), which is responsible for Bradford Royal Infirmary, has just taken delivery of its second state-of-the-art ‘da Vinci’ robotic-assisted surgical systems – or
    • 17TH JANUARY 2023
    Please continue wearing a mask to keep our hospitals safe

    Please continue wearing a mask to keep our hospitals safe

    With the continued increase of infection risks and for your safety, and the safety of relatives, friends and other patients, when visiting our hospitals, wards and departments, please keep wearing a mask. We also advise you to avoid attending the hospitals if you…

    • 13TH JANUARY 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Welcome to Mel Pickup’s weekly round-up. This week we’re focusing on Our Partners and how our involvement in the City of Research collaboration helps to speed up the development of safe, new treatments.

    • 9TH JANUARY 2023
    A smarter way to support Bradford’s patients

    A smarter way to support Bradford’s patients

    Bradford hospital patients in need of spiritual, pastoral, or religious guidance can now use an innovative new app on their smartphone or PC to access help. The app is the first of its kind in the country and has been funded by Bradford Hospitals’ Charity –…