• 11TH OCTOBER 2023
    Happy Birthday and many thanks for all your support, Sovereign Health Care!

    Happy Birthday and many thanks for all your support, Sovereign Health Care!

    Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is wishing its long-term partner, Sovereign Health Care, a very happy 150th birthday! As Bradford-based Sovereign celebrates its historic anniversary this week, the Trust looks back gratefully on its many years of…

    • 10TH OCTOBER 2023
    Postponement of AMM/AGM – 11 October

    Postponement of AMM/AGM – 11 October

    Following the resignation of Dr Maxwell Mclean as Chair, and as our Deputy Chair (Julie Lawreniuk) is unavailable, we have decided to reschedule our joint Annual Members Meeting and Annual General Meeting which was due to take place on 11 October.  The accompanying…

    • 9TH OCTOBER 2023
    Celebrating Specialty and Associate Specialist doctors (SAS) week

    Celebrating Specialty and Associate Specialist doctors (SAS) week

    It’s Specialty and Associate Specialist doctors (SAS) week! SAS week is a celebration to promote and highlight the value of SAS doctors. As part of the week, Dr Christopher Rowlands, SAS Grade Doctor Anaesthetics, shared his experience of being a SAS doctor….

    • 6TH OCTOBER 2023
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    One of our priorities here at the Trust is to ensure that people treating our patients reflect the diverse community we serve so this week’s update focuses on our work with partners, Generation Medics, who are helping us achieve this. Generation Medics is a multi-award-winning…