• 25TH FEBRUARY 2022
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week: how our Patient Experience team acts on your feedback virtual outpatients’ clinics drive innovation say hi to Sughra, our new non-exec director  

    • 22ND FEBRUARY 2022
    Bradford District & Craven Youngsters Urged To Get Their Jabs This Half-Term

    Bradford District & Craven Youngsters Urged To Get Their Jabs This Half-Term

    12–15-year-olds across Bradford district and Craven are being urged to get their all-important COVID-19 vaccinations during their half-term holiday. Clinics for 12-15s will be available throughout the week to make it even easier for young people to get their…

    • 18TH FEBRUARY 2022
    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    Mel’s Weekly News Round-Up

    This week: Student nurses and midwives expand their experience A new recruitment drive for healthcare assistants Sparkle for Axl’s toy fund gets a generous boost

    • 14TH FEBRUARY 2022
    Valentine’s Day Campaign

    Valentine’s Day Campaign

    85% increase in people waiting for a heart compared to a decade ago, despite success in sustaining transplantation over the pandemic NHS Blood and Transplant urges families to have a heart-to-heart about organ donation this Valentine’s Day With more than 300 people, including more than 40 children*, waiting for a heart transplant this Valentine’s Day,