
Welcome to this year’s Annual Members’ Meeting (AGM)/Annual General Meeting (AMM). Our first face-to-face AGM/AMM in three years took place on Monday 31 October 2022.

This year’s special guest speakers were Laura Booth, Quality Lead – Patient Experience and Cat Shutt, Assistant Director of HR/Head of Organisational Development, who discussed the progress made against the Trust’s Embedding Kindness and Civility Programmes which aims to embed a culture that is grounded in civility and kindness that makes our Trust an outstanding place to work and where everyone has a real sense of belonging.

Trust Chairman, Dr. Maxwell Mclean, said: “At the AGM and AMM you’ll be able to find out more about the work of Bradford Teaching Hospitals and our challenges and achievements during 2021/22, including how we’ve restored our services following the COVID-19 pandemic. You can also hear about our plans for the year ahead.”

There were presentations on the Annual Report from Chief Executive, Professor Mel Pickup and on the Annual Accounts by Director of Finance, Matthew Horner. Public Governor and Vice-Chair of the Trust’s Council of Governors, David Wilmshurst, will deliver the Governors’ and Membership Report, with input from some of our governors.

AGM Promotion A5 Flyer


The full recording of our Annual General Meeting/Annual Members Meeting 2022 which took place on 31 October is available to view below.

It covers the following:

  • Welcome from Our Chairman, Dr Maxwell Mclean including opening video (play from beginning)
  • Our Chief Executive, Mel Pickup (play from 13minutes 20 seconds)
  • Director of Finance, Matthew Horner (including Capital Investment Programme video) (play from 34 minutes 42 seconds)
  • Governors and membership report (play from 50 minutes 41 seconds)
  • Questions (play from 1 hour 1 minute)
  • Special Feature Presentation:  Civility and Embedding Kindness from Cat Shutt and Laura Booth (play from 1 hour 17 minutes)

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