• 17TH MARCH 2021
    New ‘Changing Places’ wet-room facility for St Luke’s Hospital

    New ‘Changing Places’ wet-room facility for St Luke’s Hospital

    PEOPLE with disabilities in Bradford will benefit from an improved, state-of-the art toilet and wet-room facility when it opens at St Luke’s Hospital in April. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has part-funded the £36,000 provision to build…

    • 16TH MARCH 2021
    Guide to COVID-19 vaccinations in Bradford

    Guide to COVID-19 vaccinations in Bradford

    COVID-19 vaccinations are now underway in Bradford. Bradford Council and Community Action Bradford and District have put together this colourful, engaging and accurate guide to the vaccination process throughout the district. Understandably people have lots of…

    • 16TH MARCH 2021
    Trust launches new programme to promote acts of kindness

    Trust launches new programme to promote acts of kindness

    THE Chief Nurse’s team at Bradford Teaching Hospitals has launched a new campaign to promote kindness throughout the Trust. ‘Embedding Kindness’ builds on our patient experience strategy, and asks Trust staff to think about how they can promote small acts of kindness between staff and patients and reflect on their personal role in creating a
    • 15TH MARCH 2021
    Hospital physiotherapists nominated for major award for life-saving work

    Hospital physiotherapists nominated for major award for life-saving work

    BRADFORD hospital physiotherapists treating patients with COVID-19 have been nominated for a major award. The innovative team used CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy to treat hundreds of patients on the COVID wards at Bradford Royal Infirmary, part…